
A Tasty way to Do the Raw Food Vegan Diet

Many people see the raw food diet as being healthier and giving them more energy, despite the lack of any long-term analyses of the successes of a raw vegan diet as compared to other types of raw food diets. To try a raw vegan diet for yourself and see what it can do for you, these are the three food groups you can partake of: high-fat plants, sweet fruit and leafy green vegetables. As to the portions of each, opinions vary. Some say as little as two percent of your daily calories should be from leafy green vegetables; others think it should be as high as around thirty. With the high-fat foods, eat things like olives, nuts, avocados, seeds and cold-pressed oils. Again, some recommend anything from a tiny amount to as high as forty per cent.

To be honest, it’s unlikely you can get as high as thirty percent of your daily calories from green vegetables. That would require eating a lot of big salads! Fortunately, such a massive intake is not necessary to derive the benefits of a raw food diet. The green leafy vegetables have plenty of calcium, protein, vitamin K and zinc. All you need to do is eat around 500 g a day to get the recommended amount. If you’re sure to get things like carrots and peas in your meals, you’ll get plenty of calcium, zinc and protein.

Now, when it comes to striking the correct proportions between sweet fruit and fatty foods, that’s where your personal tastes and health come into play. It’s common for people to have troubles with their teeth if they eat a lot of fruit, especially young children. On the other hand, if you have a high metabolic rate, you may need more high-fat foods in order to maintain your weight in the optimum range. Just one caveat: do not have more than ten percent of your diet made up of polyunsaturated fats. Instead, get monounsaturated fats in there. By eating olives, avocados, almonds, hazelnuts and macadamias you can get the fats you need. Depending on how much energy you need each day, you can make up to forty percent of your diet from these foods. Also, you need to include omega-3 fats; they’re very good for you. So, eat things like crushed flax seed. Flax seed oil is also great for salad dressings. There are soils in the world that are low on selenium, and you can’t be sure where your foods were grown. So, an easy way to get around that issue is to include even just Brazil nut a day.

In terms of what sorts of fruits to eat, you don’t have to go with ones that are unusual or exotic. The banana has energy; it’s rather low in fiber, and plenty of potassium. Oranges are great to get calcium, folate, potassium and vitamin C into your body. One of the real pluses of a raw vegan diet is that it reduces calcium loss, and thus reduces your blood pressure; it will also reduce your risk of having a stroke.

Finally, there is vitamin B12. Some health experts recommend that you don’t take vitamin B12 supplements unless symptoms of a deficiency manifest themselves. And even then, some further say you should avoid taking any pills. Instead, there are some excellent natural sources such as wild plants, nori and spirulina. Now, if those are not available, eat fermented foods or a probiotic, and just be sure to include a B12 supplement.

Follow these steps, and you can eat a healthy diet that is in keeping with the vegan dietary guidelines.

Why You Need A Raw Food Diet

Those who do not really know what a raw food diet is might think it’s a diet that only rabbits might like. These same people might think that a raw food diet is equal to a vegetarian diet in that a person on a raw diet eats nothing but fruits and vegetables, hence the thinking a raw food diet is for rabbits. It is true that rabbits eat fruits and vegetables, but a raw food diet has much more to it than eating just eating carrots, lettuce, or apples.

What is meant by a raw food diet? This popular eating habit is a diet consisting of not only the eating of fresh fruits and vegetables. But it also includes eating nuts, seeds and sprouts. It includes drinking purified water, and dairy products that are not pasteurized. In addition, a raw food diet can include the consumption of any unprocessed food that is free of chemicals. In a nut shell, this is what a raw food diet is, no pun intended.

Raw food dieting is in no way a new, quirky idea. Mankind as a whole has been a raw food eater since the dawn of time. In fact, raw food is all our early ancestors ate, primarily because at that time in our existence we were rather nomadic, moving from place to place from day to day. We hadn’t invented fire yet. It was easier just to pick and eat berries, nuts, fruits, and vegetables as we moved about the earth’s surface.

Today the raw food diet has a well established following and has even attracted many celebrities to its followers like Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore to mention just two. There have also been many books written and published on the subject to guide anyone interested in raw food dieting. There are even specialized classes in colleges and universities for the nutritionist to study in the raw food diet.

To be a true raw food dieter the diet consists of between seventy-five to ninety percent raw foods. That is, foods that are not cooked by any means. The balance of the diet might consist of foods that are sun-dried or dehydrated, but with this done at temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The key element of a raw food diet is not to eat any foods that are cooked, baked or microwaved.

It is believed by advocates and followers of raw food dieting that preparing foods by any form of cooking damages the food and cooks out many valuable nutrients. And there is considerable scientific evidence to support this belief. There are many foods that when cooked, have some nutritional elements that become neutralized and therefore of no real value for the body and when consumed the body must then waste energy to eliminate them.

There is also medical evidence that suggests the body benefits from a raw food diet. Studies indicate that those people who are on a raw food diet have greater energy and are at a lower risk for blood pressure and heart issues. In addition, there are fewer complaints about digestive issues, not to mention reports of significant weight loss from raw food dieters.

The raw food diet, although good for most, may not be good for everyone. In considering any diet plan, which does include a raw diet, it is always best to consult your physician before getting too far along in the diet.

The Healthy Way to do Raw Food Diets

In recent years, much has been said about the positive effects of a raw diet. Book after book, and article after article has spoken of the negative impact that too much heat can have on foods. Vitamins break down, carbohydrates loose their nutritional value, fats become toxic, and proteins are rendered virtually indigestible.

Still, that doesn’t mean you just eat any food at all that you want raw. There are some measures you do need to follow to ensure you stay healthy on the raw food diet. Like anything else in life, the key is moderation. Too much of anything, even something good, can be detrimental. As an example, years ago people were touting the grapefruit diet as a great way to lose weight. The idea was, you ate nothing but grapefruit (hence the name). You could eat as many as you wanted, so long as that was all you ate. Well, that’s not good for you! Fruits contain acid; too much acid can upset the pH of your body, and will also damage your teeth. On top of that, fruit is lacking in terms of some of the nutrients you need for good health. You need balance. So, point one: meet with a doctor or dietician and set up a good, healthy raw diet suited to your needs.

Next, be sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and that it’s locally grown wherever possible. Now, this does mean that you’ll have to do without some fruits for some periods of the year, but it’s best for your overall health. Too much dried fruits can give you stomach and/or intestinal troubles (sometimes as simple as just gas), and be bad for your teeth. Or, eating fruit that’s not grown locally means you don’t know under what conditions it was grown. What sort of pesticides and chemicals were used on it? What sort of soil was it grown in? These days, with the global economy, you could eat fruit from any place on earth! That gives you variety, sure. But wherever possible it really is better to stick with what you know, and learn to do without when some things are out of season.

Nuts make up a large part of a raw food diet. Here again, moderation is called for. Too many people start in on a raw diet, and start eating too many nuts. Nuts are naturally high in fat. Now, your body needs fat as part of its normal biological processes, but only a certain amount. If you load up your diet with avocados, nuts, and oils, that’s not healthy. Not only is there the issue of the fat, but some people have trouble digesting nuts. Here again, this is why meeting with your doctor to discuss a raw diet first is the key to adopting a healthy lifestyle. If you find yourself getting very tired after eating some nuts, your body is having trouble metabolizing them, and you should stop. Ironically, if your body has trouble with nuts, this can lead to you suddenly craving a host of other foods; some you may have never been interested in before!

Finally, there’s the issue of knowing your source. Not for the foods you eat, but the advice you get. Your best friend may tell you how great their raw food diet is, and that you should do the same. Well, thank them, and then go see your doctor. Something as simple as a food allergy can undo all the sincere advice your friend gives you. As an example, if they’re eating a diet rich in whole grains, and you have an allergy to gluten, your doctor will tell you to substitute whole rice for grain.

Just follow a few simple steps, and you can be sure that your raw food diet is perfectly suited to your needs. Why not give the raw food diet a go and see how you can benefit from it?

The Health Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet is just that, eating your food uncooked. Believe it or not there are many people throughout the world who live on a raw food diet. Because of the socialization of some of us we may find this fact a little repulsive when we think about it, but it’s true. We can look into every culture and find the consumption of some type of raw food within it. Many Asian cultures, for example, consume raw fish along with raw vegetables with their meals. In the western parts of the world those who maintain a raw food diet are known as foodists.

A raw food diet will increase one’s energy. Often, when we cook food, many of the vitamins and nutrients that give us energy are lost in the cooking process, not to forget that whenever we cook food, major chemical changes take place in the food. What often happens is that the good stuff is cooked out and is replaced by toxins. Upon consuming the cooked food the immune system then produces more white blood cells to fight off these toxins. The end result is a weakening of the immune system because it is working over-time to rid the body of invaders. Moreover, because the body is doing more work to process cooked foods, there is a loss of essential energy.

Eating raw foods can help reduce and even eliminate diseases and illnesses. In the eating of raw foods the vitamins and nutrients in those foods are left intact and are not lost or converted into toxins. The body can then use these vitamins and nutrients more efficiently and effectively to combat diseases and illnesses. And this is another reason why those who eat raw foods have more energy. It’s because the body does not have to work as hard to process the raw foods into a usable resource.

Many people who eat raw foods are also able to maintain a more normal and balanced body weight. Often when we cook foods we use cooking oils, lard or butter. The body has a very difficult time breaking these fats down and rather than waste energy the body will store them within itself. After a period of time these fats build up, thus adding weight to the body. Not only does fat affect the shape of the body, but it also causes the body to burn more energy to move about because of the extra weight.

There are a large number of diet plans and weight loss programs that suggest the consumption of raw foods. Eating raw foods is believed to be healthier because the enzymes in those foods are not lost as they are if they were cooked. Enzymes break down macromolecules into smaller building blocks the body uses to grow and maintain itself. Enzymes also help the body with basic house cleaning and the elimination of toxins.

Moreover, when we eat cooked foods the stomach produces more acid than if we to eat raw foods. The acid that is generated by the stomach to break down cooked foods can create indigestion, heart burn, and other unpleasant stomach problems. With a raw food diet the generation of stomach acid is greatly reduced and even nearly non-existent. Because of the reduction of stomach acids the digestive system functions much better. A raw food diet can certainly be an advantage for those who do suffer from stomach or digestive issues.

Raw food diets have also been shown to reduce the risks of circulatory and heart disease. As we have mentioned before, the vitamins and nutrients are not cooked out raw foods. These vitamins and nutrients are what help the body fight cancerous type cells. Additionally, many raw foods, like some vegetables for example, help dilate blood vessels so the blood flows more easily throughout the body. Again, it not only becomes an issue of health, but an issue of energy as well. It takes energy to pump blood through the body. The harder it becomes the more energy the body must expend to get blood to where it needs to be.

Recipes for a Raw Food Diet

It’s been said that stars and celebrities are flocking to the raw food diet in the same way as they once shifted to Kabala. Well, they’re not the only ones. More and more, people are seeing the value of a diet rich in good, wholesome foods, low in meat, and one that avoids processed foods. Some people claim it’s a curative for almost everything that ails you, it improves your appearance, and it extends your life expectancy.

Now, some people hear: raw diet, and they immediately think rabbit food. They think they’re going to be eating sprouts and carrots, peas and rice, and broccoli and nothing more. Or they expect to have to squeeze mango juice or kiwi pulp, or some other exotic fruits and vegetables; all of which may be quite expensive. True, a raw food diet is essentially a vegetarian or vegan diet, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be tasty and it doesn’t have to be made of up foods you don’t know and love.

Advocates of the raw food diet sat it will prolong you life expectancy, clear and improve your skin, decrease the risk of you getting strokes, heart disease or diabetes; give you more energy and allow you to control your weight in a natural manner so that you don’t have to count calories and monitor the grams of fat in your daily diet. You might think this is all too good to be true, but it’s been shown that many of the chemicals and preservative in processed foods cause a host of problems for people. Food allergies can lead to rashes, stomach and gastrointestinal troubles, even anaphylactic shock! Many people are lactose intolerant or have a gluten allergy. Eliminating these from your diet is far better than spending your life taking medications.

For some people, the idea of a raw food diet summons up images of eating like some sort of prehistoric being. Yes, as stated above, a raw food diet is vegetarian. So, that means eating a variety of fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, unpasteurized dairy products and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Now, if you have a gluten allergy, you can substitute whole rice for the grains; it’s an excellent, healthy food.

While you may look at that list and see it as rather limited, there is plenty of variety available to you. As with any foods, some are easy to prepare, and others take some time and planning. So, something like the dish listed below, vegetables topped with raw vegetable sauce, is a fine example:

Cut up some zucchini into strips. Then, use your food processor to blend 1lb fresh tomatoes, half a cup of chopped white onion, some basil (vary it depending on your personal preference), a clove of garlic (minced), some chopped and seeded red peppers, and a couple teaspoons of dried herbs. Once they are all blended together, pour this sauce over the zucchini strips, and start eating. It’s a tasty and healthy meal!

Now, that’s just one recipe. Let’s look at what you could expect for a typical day. First, for breakfast, have some raw fruit juice or whole fruit and have all you want. The fiber and natural sugars will keep your energy levels up, and help keep your “pipes” clean. You body will process this quickly; so long about mid–morning, you’ll need a little boost. The same is true in the afternoon. Have a snack of a handful of nuts or some avocado. For lunch, a salad made up primarily of salad greens; add to it some vegetables like cucumber or red peppers. Now, many people make the mistake of putting a lot of heavy dressing on a salad. Instead, go with some fresh lemon juice or maybe just oil and vinegar. Finally, for dinner, go with a nice spinach salad with some almonds, and one to two avocados. Again, no processed dressing; go with orange juice. Then wash this all down with some fruit or vegetable juice which has been freshly squeezed.

Now, this is but one example of a daily menu. Don’t think you have to stick with it. The point is, you can see that a raw food diet is easy to make delicious. To improve your health, boost your energy levels, and maybe increase your life expectancy, give the raw food diet a try.

Reasons For A Raw food Diet

There are many reasons why people choose a raw food diet over traditional dieting methods. A major reason many people chose a raw food diet is the ease in which one can lose weight with it. Another reason is that it is a way to eat very healthily and this translates, not only in weight maintenance, but also into marked changes in complexion, a younger feeling, and an increase in energy.

Raw food diets have also been attributed to healing and helping a large variety of severe and minor illnesses. We have already seen that many people use raw food diets because of the weight loss benefits that in fact can happen rather rapidly. That’s right! Raw food diets can help over-weight people shed pounds in a relatively short period of time and help those individuals maintain a stable and healthy weight.

Another benefit of raw food diets is that they have the ability to control blood pressure. The right kind of raw food diet will raise the blood pressure or lower it without the aid of blood pressure medications therefore balancing blood level pressures in a natural way.
Related to an increase in energy is the fact that raw food diets can be effective in eliminating chronic fatigue and sleep disorders. Many sleep disorders are a result of the foods we eat in the sense that many cooked foods we eat possess additives that can actually over stimulate the body. Fast foods are an excellent example of this fact. Many ingredients in many fast foods can either cause us to feel tired all the time or excessively hyper, depending on the food and our physiological constitution. Raw food diets help our bodies to achieve balance.

For those of us who have problems with anxiety, depression and/or mood swings raw food diets can help us stabilize these psychological issues. Again, many of the foods the average person eats today are loaded with preservatives and chemicals that have an adverse affect on our bodies. Many canned goods and processed meats, for example, have preservatives in them to prevent spoilage. There is tremendous scientific research available that indicates the chemicals and preservatives used in foods can affect our moods and even our thought processes.

As we have seen there are many advantages to improving our lives with a raw food diet. And this is exactly what happens when we do eat raw foods. Our body’s performance improves which in turn improves our lives. But there are still yet other reasons for us to eat raw.
Many people don’t just eat raw foods for dietary or health reasons. The truth of the matter is that some people just purely enjoy the taste of fresh uncooked foods. We all can probably relate to this when we think about the sweet juicy taste of a fresh peach or the delicate buttery taste of white tuna sashimi. This is not to say that all uncooked foods taste like a peach or raw fish, because they don’t. We all know that. The point is that eating uncooked foods provides us with the natural taste of the food we are eating. For some taste buds this can be very exciting, especially for those people that value the natural flavor of the bounty that life gives us. There is something to be said for the delectable pleasures of natural eating.

When you switch your dieting to raw foods your life will change and this change will be happen very quickly. It won’t take months or even years. Almost immediately you will notice changes in your body, mind, and soul. Moreover, not only will you notice this change, but family and friends will too. They will see things like your mood become more pleasant and even. They will notice a healthier complexion and a shine in your hair. It’ll all be because of the raw foods you choose to eat. Enjoy and eat well!

Raw Food Diets And Children

Many people within the medical community, as well as those outside of it, are seeing the positive benefits of raw food diets. People and their doctors are seeing rapid weight reduction, a balance in blood pressure levels, and other health benefits. With such positive results many families are looking to incorporate raw food diets into their children’s diets. However, because children are children this can be easier said than done.

Many children can be rather picky about the things they eat, and vegetables are a funny truth of this fact. As many parents know all too well their children often leave the vegetables on their plate to be eaten last. And even then it can be a parental challenge to get the child to eat their veggies before leaving the table.

For children the issue is largely about taste and texture. And quite frankly, and in agreement with the child’s viewpoint, many raw foods can taste somewhat odd and have an equally odd texture when eaten. For most anybody many raw foods do take some getting used to, and a child is no different. However, the question is how you get your children interested in a raw food diet. Here are some possible strategies.

All young children like to help their parents because they see it as doing grown-up things. It’s also one way they learn socialization skills, although it can be more of a game to them than it is an awareness of learning. However, the parent can use this ‘helping’ behavior to their advantage by bringing the child into the preparation of the raw food meal.

Raw food preparation is a fairly safe thing to do because there’s no cooking involved and therefore the parent doesn’t need to worry about the child burning or scalding themselves. Even though there may be some cutting involved, which would require the use of knives, something young children probably shouldn’t do, there are still other things they can do to help. For example, after you cut a food the child could place the cut pieces in a bowl or plate, or if the meal will include leafy raw foods children can wash these under cold water for you. What’s important here is to get your children involved in the preparation as means of introducing them to a raw food diet.

Another way to get children to embrace a raw food diet is provide them with fresh fruits like grapes, berries, and bananas for example. Most children enjoy these fruits and the more variety you can provide them with the better. Watermelon slices or apple pieces are a treat to almost any child. If you provide more types of these healthy choices they are more likely to be less inclined to ask for candy or cookies. There is a significant difference of taste in natural sugars from processed sugars, and children even seem to know this difference and go for the healthier choice.

For the family picnic or trip to the zoo fill the picnic basket with raw foods. Children enjoy outings because they are fun. When children are having fun they will be more open to new food experiences. Especially after running around and burning up energy they will be hungry and ready to eat practically anything.
Be a good example. This fact applies to any part of child rearing, as well as it does to introducing your child to a raw food diet. All young children watch they parents as examples of what to do or not to do. The things they see you do they’ll want to do the same, including eating the same foods as you do.

The main point in this article, as you introduce your child to a raw food diet, is to make it a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. And remember, children are children and can be picky about what they eat. If they don’t care for one type of raw food, try another.